Greg Seminara, Export Solutions

  1. Distributor Specialization: View the “comments” field of each distributor listing for clues on Distributor category specialization and brands represented.
  2. Web Site: Visit distributors web sites for more company information. No web site listing indicates a smaller distributor. Export Solutions subscribers enjoy ”one click, live access” to distributor web sites.
  3. Right Match: Prioritize candidates which are the “right match” for your brand requirements. Bigger distributors seek big brands with marketing budgets. Smaller distributors are open to smaller/niche brands with limited brand support plans.
  4. Priority List: Target 5-10 distributors from your Export Solutions list with greatest potential “match”. Do not email every distributor on a list, with hope for a response!
  5. Introductory Email: Send a brief company overview and a link to your company web site. Do not send attachments or pricing on your first email.
  6. What Distributors Want to Know: What makes your brand unique? Where has your brand enjoyed success? What are your plans for my market? How much do you plan to invest?
  7. Telephone Follow-Up: Call the leading 5-10 candidates. Best bet is to phone 2-3 days after the initial email was sent. Request a phone meeting if you speak with a secretary.
  8. Personal Meeting: Try to arrange a personal meeting with the distributor at his office or a trade show. Amarket visit indicates that you are serious about the country.
  9. Persistence Pays Off: Export Solutions country distributor lists track an average of 83 distributors of different sizes and specializations. Awell defined action plan with focus on points 6, 7, and 8 above should result in some interest from potential partners.
  10. Export Tips: Export Solutions has published 200 articles on export strategy and distributor development. Read “Finding & Hiring the Right Distributor” and “What Every Distributor Wants to Know” at the Export Tips section of our web site.

Export Tips